Sunday, 22 March 2015

Precious weekends

Hello pretty people out there. My weekends were really well spend what about yours?

I really love weekends cause that when I can finally meet my boy who spend his weekdays with his affair (NS). He booked out late on Friday as usual and had to wash his uniform and do all the same old shit so our adventure only begins on Saturday. :)

However this Saturday was  pretty relaxing all we did was sending my laptop to repair and back home spending quality time with out parents. It's really great I love nuaing at home with him. Just sit around on the couch  in each others arm (best feeling in the world)

O remember my blackhead post? I said it works on guys too cause I tried it on him? This time round I took photos to show you guys!!! 

being vain. HAHAHA

"what are you doing??"

"ok, I'm done now I just have to wait 15 min."

ready for the result? 

look at how huge his black heads are compared to mine?

After this his vain adventure continues he tired to cut his hair so we had to travel to hair salons near my house but sadly all hair salon were closed so we had to pushed to today. 

Today was not as rushy compared to the rest of his book out. went to did some shopping for his parents then off to cut his hair and back to his house to accompany his parents. 

Weekends are really really awesome and even better when you get to spend with your love ones.

shower your love ones with love now. signing off ~ ~ ~


  1. Replies
    1. hahaha do visit kathy beauty salon for your one free trial.
